Nataly Tretyak 
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Все комментарии
sodastitchdesign Please don't use illegal chart and buy the original chart in Russia, https://sodastitch.ru/ and https://dom-vishivki.ru/ and https://mycrossart.ru/g14676927-soda-stitch and https://vk.com/sodastitch and http://www.vintagerose.ru/categories/soda-cross-stitch
Sunny Jung04.07.2018
sisol852707 Merci beaucoup
lindatre another great house design, can't hardly wait to start making the soda's but still need to wait till my WIP's "Teamwork" done, love soda...thank you very much for sharing
Кира Сан-17.12.2010
hoachi wow...so great!thanks alot!
Хоайчи Во10.12.2010
anelez *KISSED*
Anastasija Eric10.12.2010
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